Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lucy Danielle Goodwin

We have been thinking about names since the moment we knew we were having a baby.  We originally chose to name our daughter Charlotte Jessica Goodwin.  Charlotte is Doug's Mother's name.  Jessica, obviously, is my name.  But, when we received the diagnosis of Campomelic Dysplasia we were hesitant to go forward.  We were concerned that it might be hard for us and others to see the name Charlotte and the name Jessica on a headstone.

So, we went back to the drawing board.  In my search for the perfect name I ran across the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den.  The short version is that Daniel was thrown in the Lion's Den and left overnight.  They expected him to die.  The next morning they returned to find that he had been miraculously saved.  What a beautiful analogy to my darling baby.  She is in her own den of lions.  The medical community expects that she will not survive.  But, through faith and miracles we may yet have a little time with her before she returns to her heavenly home.

We chose Lucy because we simply liked the name.  On further inspection we realized that one of our favorite figures in LDS history is Lucy Mack Smith.  Lucy, from what I remember, was not even 5 feet tall.  Yet she embodied what Alma described, "by bsmall and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise."  Faith and miracles were Lucy's constant companion.  How fitting is the name Lucy?  Our little Lucy's limbs are already short for her age.  And, we expect that faith and miracles will happen in her life and ours.  She may yet "confound the wise."

We are excited to have Lucy Danielle Goodwin as part of our family.  No matter the outcome.  No matter how long she lives.  No matter what others may think.  Lucy is a miracle and a blessing.  We will celebrate her life for years to come.