Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dr. Kaelberer

Dr. Rose (our perinatologist) is out of town.  The first appointment we could get with her was August 13th.  It is difficult waiting with so many unanswered questions.  But, we were able to visit with Dr. Kaelberer today which was helpful and comforting.

Finding Dr. K was a happy accident.  We wanted to start a family soon after we were married.  We figured that we would need to start with a visit to an OB.  Dr. K was the closest doctor to us with an opening.  I'm not usually that flippant about finding a doctor.  He watched over us during Elizabeth's pregnancy.  Elizabeth was delivered by a high risk doctor at a hospital with which Dr. K was not affiliated.  He delivered both Rachel and Joseph.  He takes the time to answer questions and always makes us feel like his favorite family.

Dr. Kaelberer is kind and sensitive.  It was reassuring to talk to him about our current situation.  He says that every time we see Dr. Rose she calls and talk with him at length.  We asked if we should visit another perinatologist while she is away.  He said that Dr. Rose is the absolute genetic guru and not to waste time visiting anyone else.

We learned today that Dr. Kaelberer will be the one to deliver our special baby.  And, to our relief, she will not require the drastic C-Section that Elizabeth needed.  With Elizabeth they made an upside down T incision, extra wide and tall, so they could just lift her out.  Remember they thought she had Osteogenesis Imperfecta and would break with a regular delivery.  He will need to be careful with this delivery.  It will probably require and extra wide incision.  But, it should still be easier.  The goal, as always, is to deliver the baby at an optimum time for her and for me.  The goal is 37 weeks.  Elizabeth came at 33 weeks.  Doug and I expect that baby girl will probably come somewhere between 33 weeks (October 20th) and 37 weeks (November 17th).

As for future children...We will have to wait and see.  Dr. K can tell us during the delivery whether my body/uterus can handle another pregnancy.  Dr. Rose will help us from the genetic side of things.


  1. I love Dr. Kaelberer. He was our OB with Becca. I was so disappointed our new insurance didn't cover him.

  2. I am glad he was able to answer some of your questions and reassure on the things he does know and give some comfort on the things he doesn't know. Sound like it was a happy accident to find him for you OB. I love it when that happens. Love you guys!
