Thursday, July 11, 2013

Amniocentesis and Our Escape

We returned to MFM on June 28th for the scheduled ultrasound and amniocentesis.  We were thrilled to learn that some of the hydrops had gone from the baby's body.  Nothing had changed other than that.

I was prepared for the amniocentesis.  I had an amnio when I was pregnant with Elizabeth.  It was the easiest procedure I'd ever had that included a needle.  It was far easier than getting my blood drawn.  It turns out that it is easier when you are further along in the pregnancy.  With Elizabeth I was around 28 weeks.  This time I was only 17 weeks.  It was definitely more painful.  But, I'd still say that it is easier than getting my blood drawn.  And speaking of blood.  I was ecstatic (note the sarcasm) to find out that I needed a bunch of blood drawn at the same visit.

I went down to the lab where a young man named Brad invited me back to prep for my blood draw.  He had a lady shadowing him and a glance at his badge revealed that he was a student phlebotomist.  I told him that he was welcome to feel my veins but that I needed the best person on staff to do the actual draw.  The shadow lady introduced herself and began feeling for good veins.  A few minutes later she says, "you really DO have difficult veins."  She had 2 options but didn't feel secure about trying either of them.  Thankfully she was able to get it on the first stick.

Now the waiting begins, or continues.  It will take 1 week to grow the baby's DNA cells.  Then it will be a week or two to get chromosomal results (i.e. downs syndrome, turner syndrome, gender, etc.).  The cells will be sent to Johns Hopkins to be tested for Campomelic Dysplasia.  It's just a waiting game.

We finished up at the hospital and headed home.  We gathered up our children.  We finished gathering our stuff.  Then we began the 22 hour drive to my parent's house in Texas.  Rachel and Joey were amazing.  Nobody complained until the last 15 minutes of the drive when Joey had had enough.

We've been enjoying the distraction family has provided.  Doug has been working from an office in my Dad's office.  My dad's office is on a large plot of land.  We use their 4WD cart to drive to and fro from one house to another.  We are so busy having fun that we haven't spent a lot of time worrying about the results of the test.

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